Category: Hanga | Create

Dear Kermit ….

Hey bloggers and Kermit 


Today’s blog post is about the Poetry slam! This is gonna be my second poem for the poetry slam. My poem is a letter to… . This is poem is about KERMIT  .  I’m pretty sure that i gonna do a animation about it. Here is my poem.





Two people , two brain , two name – poetry slam

Hey bloggers welcome back to another blog post. This blog post is the poetry slam that happening right now. Me and Karolina did one together. Here’s is Karolinas blog.Our poem was about two people and we talk about there live. My bit is kinda sad and Karolina’s is bright and happy. I would really appreciate if you coull give me and Karolina some feedback.

Cricket zone-Neha

Hey bloggers

Welcome back to another blog post with me (Neha). This week Tuesday some people including me went to cricket zones. The team included  Me (Neha),Pita,Angel,Mo’unga,Sariyah,Ifalemi,Kayshjarn,Sione and Eliezer. 

The zones were held at Keith Park near the bridge which was  at the end of Keith Park. At zones there were about four other schools there. They were Dominion road school , Three Kings , Halsey drive and one more that I didn’t know the name of. We won 2 games and lost one which meant that we only versed three schools. 

Our first game was at 9:30 with Dominion road school which we won. Then our second match was right after with Three Kings which we also won. After that we had a one hour break. After that we versed Halsey drive which we lost but we were very proud of ourselves. 



As a reward we got pizza hut and orange juice. We also went to the park to play and then when we came to school we each got two ice blocks. The next tournament will be the soccer tournament which will be in three weeks. 



What are your favorite sports to play?

Pedal Power!

Hello bloggers!


Welcome back to another fantastic blog post with NEHA!  This week people from the Counties Manukau Sport Program came to Hay park school to do Pedal Power! What is Pedal power? Well Pedal Power is a program to help us to learn how to ride a Bike!




Every week for two days three experts on how to ride a bike come to our school. This week was our first week on having them. Fun fact I am posting this on a Friday and Friday is the day we do this program. On a Friday our turn is in the middle  block and right now is the last block.




Neha what did you learn? Great question! Today I learnt how to scooter on a bike! That was nerve racking. I also learn how to do tap paddle which i still have to learn.

Here are some photos and also here is the website link!


In conclusion I think I pretty good at biking but still need some more practicing!


What do you prefer a bike or a scooter?

Cooking with Miss P

Hello Bloggers,

Welcome back to another fabulous blog post with the one and only ME , NEHA. Last week with Miss P I made chocolate chip cookie bars. Well not only me but including Sammy, Mohamed and Betul. Sammy and Betul were buddies and Me (Neha) and Mohamed were buddies.


The ingredients include Melted Butter , Two eggs, White sugar, Brown sugar, Flower, Chocolate chips, Baking Powder and last but not least Vanilla!  Embarrassing but I forgot the measuring but if you would like to learn the recipe then you go onto the Hay Park school Facebook page!


The baking time was about 40 minutes I believe! But each group made a batch each including Miss P! Next baking blog post will be next week Friday and drum roll please! NEXT WEEK WE ARE MAKING PEACH SHORTCAKE!


                 What is your favorite type of dessert?

Summer learning journey – task 49 – POEMS

Hello bloggers,

welcome back to another summer learning journey task. Fr today i will be doing some poem! Neha why are doing poems today? you must be wondering well! I have been enjoying making poems so i will be making poems and also i am really bored.  So yeah this poems is about Monday. Do you relate to do this poem?