Pedal Power!

Hello bloggers!


Welcome back to another fantastic blog post with NEHA!  This week people from the Counties Manukau Sport Program came to Hay park school to do Pedal Power! What is Pedal power? Well Pedal Power is a program to help us to learn how to ride a Bike!




Every week for two days three experts on how to ride a bike come to our school. This week was our first week on having them. Fun fact I am posting this on a Friday and Friday is the day we do this program. On a Friday our turn is in the middle  block and right now is the last block.




Neha what did you learn? Great question! Today I learnt how to scooter on a bike! That was nerve racking. I also learn how to do tap paddle which i still have to learn.

Here are some photos and also here is the website link!


In conclusion I think I pretty good at biking but still need some more practicing!


What do you prefer a bike or a scooter?