Hey bloggers
Welcome back to another blog post with me (Neha). This week Tuesday some people including me went to cricket zones. The team included Me (Neha),Pita,Angel,Mo’unga,Sariyah,Ifalemi,Kayshjarn,Sione and Eliezer.
The zones were held at Keith Park near the bridge which was at the end of Keith Park. At zones there were about four other schools there. They were Dominion road school , Three Kings , Halsey drive and one more that I didn’t know the name of. We won 2 games and lost one which meant that we only versed three schools.
Our first game was at 9:30 with Dominion road school which we won. Then our second match was right after with Three Kings which we also won. After that we had a one hour break. After that we versed Halsey drive which we lost but we were very proud of ourselves.
As a reward we got pizza hut and orange juice. We also went to the park to play and then when we came to school we each got two ice blocks. The next tournament will be the soccer tournament which will be in three weeks.
What are your favorite sports to play?