Day: December 22, 2023

SLJ – emoji story – #8 – step up

Hey bloggers,

Welcome back to another slj postt. For today step up challenge i made a guess the word by using the first letters of each emoji. I have made 3 word by using emoji , it is your job to find out what each word is. when you have found out what each word is tell me what the words are in the comments. I hope you really like it because i really enjoyed making it!

Here is the document

SLJ – emoji story – #7 – kickstart

Hey bloggers ,
welcome back to another bog post. Fo today kickstart activity i got to write a story but i swithed out some word for emoji. My story was about a girl who love grapes but she started to get bored of grape , so she asked her mum if they could go to shop and buy some new fruit besides her mum need to do some shopping .  On the way to the shop the girl figures out a new fruit called mango . In the shop she only wanted to get the mango for her to try so when she went home she got her mum to cut up for . But the story end there with a to be continued. Do you think the girl will like the mango or not?

Here my story

SLJ – Under the sea – #6 – step up

Hi bloggers,

Welcome back to another blog post. For today step up challenge i got make a underwater robot . I think the step up was harder then the kickstart because i had to really think about what i wanted to my robot to look like. The special ability my robot has is it has camera eyes  and wheel instead of legs for easier movement .  Here is my robot .


SLJ – Under the sea – #5 – kickstart

Hey bloggers ,

Welcome back to another SLJ post. For today task i got to design my own under water sea play area. The sea creature i choose are dolphins, sharks , sea urchins , a jellyfish and some fish . I think my favourite park are the shark in the background.  I really likes this task because i love sea creatures and the sea.  The hard part was figuring out where the put the sea animals so that everything could fit.


Here the slides!

SLJ – Snakes & Ladders Multiplication – #4- step up

hey bloggers,

Welcome back to another Slj blog post. For today task I got to make a Snakes & Ladders Multiplication game board! Basically I made a copy of a Snacks & Ladders board. In every box i added a multiplication question. On the board there 42 squares so there 41 addition question since box 42 is the winning box.  If you lucky you could land in a box with a ladder or you might be unlucky and land on a snake,  If you get a question wrong you have to stay on the same box but if you get the question corrects then you may go forward.   The first one to square 42 wins! If you win you get to give each player a dare!  In my opinion i thing this Snakes & board was faster then the kick start one ,  If you want you can make a copy of my slides and have a go to play it!

Heres the slide


SLJ – Snakes & Ladders Addition – #3- kickstart

hey bloggers,

Welcome back to another Slj blog post. For today task I got to make a Snakes & Ladders addition game board! Basically  i made a copy of a Snacks & Ladders board. In every box i added a addition question. On the board there 42 squares so there 41 addition question since box 42 is the winning box.  If you lucky you could land in a box with a ladder or you might be unlucky and land on a snake,  If you get a question wrong you have to stay on the same box but if you get the question corrects then you may go forward.   The first one to square 42 wins! If you win you get to give each player a dare!  If you want you can make a copy of my slides and have a go to play it!

Here my slides