Month: October 2023

Scratch – Cybersmart

Hey bloggers!

Welcome back to another blog post! On tuesday we had cybersmart. For cybersmart we gt to make a scartch game. I’m not gonna lie but my scratch game is that good because it sin’t really a game but i decided to share . I think it isn’t at a game because when you get to one of the item it doesn’t collect it but i’m gonna learn how to get it to collect some and get some points!


The game is about media we use a lot the types of media I use were Phone , YouTube, a Tv and a Laptop!  I think this is was really fun because i really enjoy coding! Anyways give me some feedback about my game.


Here it is


HPS Film festival, Finalists

Hey bloggers ,

Welcome back to another blog post. I am so happy to announce.  That me and my group will be sharing our movie. Our movie is called the unlucky girl .  This movie is about a girl who has been poisoned and the cop must find it out who poisoned her!  Here are the actors and there roles. Nation who played Tiana , Neha who play Angela (detective 1  ) , Karolina who played Erin (detective 2)  and the mum ,  Kalisi who played Sarah (detective 3) and the younger sister and Dizaiah who played Rosely.


In the filming process i enjoying the interviewing parts because i felt like i was a  cop interviewing suspects in real life not many people know this but when I grow up I want to became a detective!


If i had a choice to change something in my movie i would change the some character because the main character was barely coming so if i knew that i would that character to someone who came everyday!


Our group has been chosen to go to the movies where our movie will be screening on the big screen on Wednesday 18th at St Lukes malls. Where many ako hiko school will be there. Some people may be ako hiko ambassador and some poeple may be people who were chosen for there movie to be shown!


Want to watch our movie? If you scroll down a little there will be our movie. Give your honest feedback!

Anyways I’m so excited to share my movie!


Media – 11/10/23

Hey bloggers,

Haven’t posted in a while! Yesterday we had cybersmart and we did a form about the amount of hour that people watch medias. For my create task i made slide of thr results from the form and what i choose. I’m gonna keep this short. But we found out intersting stuff like some people watch youtbe for over ten hour you will find out if watch youtbe for over 10 hours if you see the slide. Here are the slides .